Clinic Locations
Click on a city below to see where our SDC Teams are located. For a complete list of community partners and resources from coast to coast, click here.
Asheville, NC
Ashland, KY
Austin, TX
Bay Area, CA
Boise, ID
Boston, MA
Boulder, CO
Broward County, FL
Buffalo, NY
Burlington, VT
Central Coast, CA
Charleston, WV
Chicago, IL
Colorado Springs, CO
Columbia, SC
Columbia/St. Louis, MO
Decatur, IL
Denver, CO
Detroit & Lansing, MI
Durango, CO
Fort Collins, CO
Fort Peck Indian Reservation, MT
Grand Junction, CO
Honolulu, HI
Houston, TX
Ithaca/Syracuse, NY
Jackson, MS
Jacksonville, FL
Los Angeles, CA
Loveland, CO
Macon/Atlanta, GA
Madison, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Missoula, MT
Nashville, TN
New York, NY
Oklahoma City/Edmond, OK
Omaha, NE
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix (Southeast Metro Area), AZ
Pittsburgh, PA
Pomona, CA
Richmond, VA
Rochester, MN
Rogue Valley, OR
Sacramento, CA
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
Sarasota, FL
Seattle, WA
St. Augustine, FL
St. Paul, MN
Topeka, KS
Tri-State (MD, VA, WV)
Tucson, AZ
Veterinarians: Contact us if you’re interested in being a Team Lead and adding your city to this list. We also encourage having Co-Team Leads, and these individuals do not have to be DVMs.