Sacramento, CA
Click here if you’d like to help out our Sacramento team by getting items off their Amazon Wishlist! Our Sacramento team works in unbridled collaboration to raise money for their local chapter of The Street Dog Coalition. To donate to their efforts to provide free veterinary care to pets of people experiencing homelessness in Sacramento, click here.
Thank you!
Shoppers at Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op chose to round up at check-out to support our Sacramento SDC Team and they raised over $7k! Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who donated, and thank you Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op for selecting SDC. Your change makes positive change!
Team Leads:
Cynthia (Cindy) Karsten, DVM, DABVP
Dr. Karsten graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, completed a shelter medicine internship at Colorado State University and a Shelter Medicine Residency at UC Davis. Currently she is the Outreach Veterinarian with the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program. Dr. Karsten's interests include teaching and mentoring undergraduate and veterinary students, interns and residents, leading shelters through online Bootcamp and other interactive formats, and providing accessible, affordable veterinary care to everyone who seeks it. She also continues to work to understand her role and that of animal shelters in increasing awareness of social justice issues and implementing policies to bring about change.
Heather Schrader, RVT, MCJ
Heather has worked as a Registered Veterinary Technician in California since 2002. After many years in private practice and academia, she became the Program Manager of Student Outreach at Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA) in 2017. She strives to raise awareness of animal welfare and advocacy issues through education and service such as providing access to care at Street Dog Coalition clinics.
Partners & Resources:
Elica Health Centers
Front Street Animal Shelter/HOAP* - City of Sacramento
Hope Cooperative
Paul Mitchell Schools
Sacramento County Public Health
Sacramento Street Medicine
Sacramento SPCA
*HOAP (Homeless Outreach and Assistance Program) is a Front Street Animal Shelter program. created to offer consistent preventative and medical care to owners experiencing homelessness and/or individuals in supportive/transitional housing. If emergency medical care is required, the request for support will be dispatched immediately to Animal Control Officers on duty.
Video creator by Sacramento volunteer, Jay Martinez.
7.30.23 KCRA NBC News: “Free check-ups, vaccines offered to homeless peoples' pets”
11.11.21 PrideVMC Blog: “Giving Back and Making a Difference”
Photo Gallery: