Missoula, MT

Our Missoula team typically hosts a pop-up clinic at the Poverello Center on the second Friday of each month from 9am-11am, but dates can vary. Check out our calendar for more info. To donate to their efforts to provide free veterinary care to pets of people experiencing homelessness in Missoula, click here.

Team Leads:

Ashley Russo, DVM

I heard about the Street Dog Coalition while working at a small animal clinic in Missoula. Since then, I have worked with The Street Dog Coalition and the fantastic people at the Poverello Center to provide much needed care to pets of the homeless and near-homeless in our area. I love my job, and have always been really passionate about community outreach. The human animal bond is such an important aspect of people’s lives; animals often help people in indescribable ways to get through hardships. It has been so wonderful being able to help people in a way that is a little unordinary by giving their pets the care that they deserve. I cannot wait to continue on with this fantastic group in the years to come.

Contact: missoula@thestreetdogcoalition.org

Ann Vestal, DVM

Dr. Ann Vestal has always known she wanted to be a veterinarian, sharing that “I’ve never had a plan B.” She graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oklahoma State University in 2007 and went on to complete an internship in physical therapy and rehabilitation in Fort Collins, Colorado. Dr. Vestal is also a Certified Veterinary Medical Acupuncturist (cVMA), allowing her to offer specialized acupuncture treatments for animals. Since 2018, she has been practicing veterinary medicine in Missoula, most recently serving as an emergency care veterinarian. Dr. Vestal enjoys living in Missoula with her family and loves being a part of the Street Dog Coalition Missoula team.

Karla McCollough

I am so happy to be a part of the Missoula chapter of SDC. I have been involved with animals for most of my adult life..whether it be working/volunteering at local shelters or raising 12 puppies for various service dog organizations. I love helping the population we serve and look forward to continuing to serve both ends of the leash.

Partners & Resources:

Poverello Center


Click here for NBC Montana news coverage of a pop-up clinic held on 9.15.23.
Click here for NBC Montana news coverage of a pop-up clinic held on 8.18.23.
Click here for an article written by Antonio Ibarra Olivares on 8.21.23 for Missoulian.com.
Click here for NBC Montana news coverage of a pop-up clinic held on 1.13.23.
Click here for an article written by Antonio Ibarra on 12.27.22 for Missoulian.com.
Click here for an article written by Chelsea Lyn Agro with photography by Erika Spaulding originally published on 2.16.22 in Missoula Valley Lifestyle.
Click here for an article written by Martin Kidston on 6.12.20 for missoulacurrent.com.

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